About You
business consulting and marketing strategy
business, consulting, coaching, marketing, strategy, socials, content, website, Women, entrepreneurs, goals, habits, growth, income
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About You?


Well yes, you are the reason we do what we do! So who are you?


You are a business owner, entrepreneur, and/or artist dedicated to growing as a person and as a business. You value your time, your finances, and your resources. You are committed to overcoming any internal roadblocks, developing a growth mindset, and are looking for genuine, professional support in achieving your goals and creating lasting results.


So, do any of these scenarios sound familiar?


You are great at your profession but not marketing.


You have ambitious goals for your business and need guidance.


You are feeling overwhelmed and not sure why or where to even start.


 You’ve got all of your “marketing” done…website, flyers, email campaign, logo, social media, paid ads, and nothing has changed.


You want to work your marketing without spending endless hours on general Youtube tutorials.


You want your marketing to be impactful without spending a fortune.


You’re doing well with business, but want to take it to the next level.


You are working your business solo for now, or have a small to mid-size team with no dedicated full-time marketing manager.


If any of these ring true for you, of course we suggest working with us. You may also be shopping around for a coach, a consultant (yes there are some differences), marketing support, or even one-off support services such as web design. As you shop around take the time to look at the company/individual’s website and messaging. You can learn a lot by tuning in to just a few simple things. What is their messaging? Are they talking to you, or at you and mostly about themselves? Are they demonstrating relationship-building or promising quick results? Does their website tell a story and engage you? Is it appealing to look at? Or, is their website just a basic cookie-cutter website that is the same as every other website with no real value to offer you? Are they promising you quick financial results without any mention of how to create lasting results with more purpose and long-term growth? You can learn so much before you even pick up the phone.


So is your research done and you are ready? Great! Let’s connect.