About Us
business consulting and marketing strategy
business, consulting, coaching, marketing, strategy, socials, content, website, Women, entrepreneurs
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We are a business and marketing consulting company who support our clients by creating long-term transformation for themselves and their businesses. As opposed to the “action=results” approach, we understand success is far more complex. We help uncover and resolve the challenges a business may have and support the creation of experiences and outcomes our clients desire. This process creates forward movement from a highly motivated perspective.


Simply put, our job is to shine a light on something our clients cannot see for themselves. For most clients, this includes not only uncovering what is holding them back from achieving their business goals, but also highlighting their natural potential they have yet to uncover. This is what creates lasting results.


So why do we offer both business and marketing consulting together? Well, we will let our CEO, Michelle, explain the connection in more detail below. We will say though, marketing is greatly impacted by the thoughts, values, behaviors, ideas, and goals within a business. Marketing is also ever-changing, always evolving, and can be tremendously overwhelming without an effective plan and understanding of what tools are the most impactful specific to the client’s business.


We work with every consulting client for 3 consecutive months, and provide on-going follow up and community support as needed.